Unlike Stannp, LetterBot does not require the creation of pre-made campaigns. But due to the nature of LetterBot, letter previews are not able to be generated. Though we do have previews below:
To generate the text that you want to send to LetterBot, you need to make sure of the freehand editor. Shown here, the freehand editor comes with 3 LetterBot example letters and some basic wildcards.
First you want to make sure you have selected LetterBot as your mail service (1). Then you can choose between the current two LetterBot styles available. Either an "A4 Property Offer Letter" (examples left and right at the top of the page) or an "A5 Card Property Offer" (Example shown center) (2).
Then finally click the "Freehand editor" (3).
Once Freehand editor is open, you have a drop-down allowing you to choose from LetterBot and Stannp examples. There are three of each. Of course the ones we are interested in are the LetterBot ones.
(1) allows you to select from the 3 LetterBot examples. once you have selected your example click Load (2). (3) will allow you to save the letter template and (4) will allow you to quickly change between the two template sizes.
When you load an example, you will see the area below populated with text. These are pre written by the PSEngine team. In order to merge data gathered by PSEngine into the letter, we use wildcards. Example wildcards are highlighted in the example text below:
To explain further, you will notice at the top of the letter the sentence Dear %COL[firstname]% %COL[lastname]%. What these wildcards do for this sentence is to enter the first name and last name of the person you are sending the letter to. This could be Dear Home Owner set in letter config, or the name from an address list or title deed.
Using these wildcards allows you to build a letter for LetterBot that contains the data you want it to contain. For a reference of these wildcards, go to Config > Letter Config. Or see below.
All the LetterBot wildcards are in green.
Now with these wildcards as a template, we can start to build a letter. As you see below I have drafted a template to mail out to the agents of planning applications I am interested in, to make my initial approach. I have integrated various fields from the planning agent details and planning application status, alongside your mobile and your email.
Now the template is ready, click save and assign your new template a name.
Once saved, we can select this template in the future from the drop down list.
Once you've selected your template, click load and confirm it is the you want to use. Once ready, close the window. The popup (pictured below) will appear, and you will need to click yes to load the template.
Once loaded, the template selector will go pale, showing that the template has loaded.
At this point, continue to send the letter as you normally would by selecting the mail line and then clicking send in the bottom right hand corner.