PSEngine use the leading remote support platform for all our remote sessions. Zoho is a lightweight app that allows our PSEngine technicians to temporarily access your computer and resolve technical issues with the PSEngine app.

When a session is needed, your technician will email a remote support link to an address of your choice. Once this has arrived simply click the link to download the remote session app.

For Windows 10:

Zoho automatically runs on Windows 10 with little intervention. You must be signed in to an administrator account to authorise the connection. The primary account on your Windows 10 computer is likely to be your Administrator account.

You may need to enter your administrator password to finish the connection.

Once downloaded, Zoho will automatically connect your technician to your computer. A pop up box will require you to click on the blue "Confirm your session" button in order to authorise the technician to finalise the connection.

For macOS devices:

With privacy restrictions in Mac devices introduced in macOS Mojave (10.14) for accessibility and screen recording permissions and these are denied by default. Zoho will not have the sufficient permissions to run.

To allow your PSEngine technician to take remote control you will need to enable accessibility and screen recording permissions.

To configure accessibility permission:

  1. Navigate to System Preference > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Accessibility.

  2. Click the checkbox beside Zoho to enable control permission.

  3. If Zoho is not listed in the pane, click on the small plus symbol beneath the pane. Now, navigate to "Macintosh HD/Users/(Your User Name)/Library/Application Support/ZohoMeetingNative/" from the file browsing panel that opens up.

    Note: If you don't find Library in your User Name folder, use the key combination "Cmd+Shift+." to view hidden Library folder.

  4. Select Zoho and click Open to list Zoho in the pane. Now click on the checkbox beside Zoho to enable control permission.

  5. Once the control permission is enabled, your PSEngine technician can instantly start controlling your Mac. However to complete this process you need to enable the screen recording permission by following the below steps.

To Configure screen recording permission:

  1. Navigate to System Preference > Security and Privacy > Privacy > Screen Recording.

  2. Click the checkbox beside Zoho to enable control permission.

  3. Once the control permission is enabled, you can instantly start controlling the Mac computer.